The sample syllabi, rubrics, and explanations of Reacting to the Past below may be useful to instructors who are teaching "Reacting to the Past" for the first time.
Sample Syllabus: Three-Game Sequence Sample Syllabus: Two-Game Sequence
Student and Instructor Aids
On Roleplaying Guide to Addressing Student & Faculty Discomfort RTTP Instructor AI Advice | Reacting to High Status Roles |
Student Handout: Pedagogical Introduction to "Reacting to the Past"
by Mark Carnes .docx
The Consortium |
You may know us as RTTP Reacting to the Past educational games gamification simulations classroom simulations case studies case study method history historical role-playing role playing games LARP ing role play games for education help me be a better professor college professor alternatives to lectures active learning active-learning learning activities energize your classroom best practices AHA the chronicle teaching learning center teaching excellence public speaking promote metacognition emotional intelligence teach empathy student agency what is Reacting to the Past the Reacting Consortium immersive role-playing games educational debate debating economic simulations historical simulation model UN